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Web3Modal Chains

Chain selection

You can select your own chain by calling the selectChain(_ chain: Chain) static method on the Web3Modal object.

Get selected chain

You can get selected chain by calling the getSelectedChain() static method on the Web3Modal object.

Sign Actions

Create pairing

let uri: WalletConnectURI = try await Web3Modal.instance.createPairing()


try await Web3Modal.instance.connect(
requiredNamespaces: [String: ProposalNamespace],
optionalNamespaces: [String: ProposalNamespace]?,
sessionProperties: [String: String]?,
topic: topic // Can be existing topic or nil to create new one

// Or without specifying namespaces to stick with default values

try await Web3Modal.instance.connect(
topic: topic // Can be existing topic or nil to create new one

More about optional and required namespaces can be found here


try await Web3Modal.instance.disconnect(topic: topic)


try await Web3Modal.instance.request(
params: .init(
topic: session.topic,
method: "some_method",
params: AnyCodable(payload),
chainId: Blockchain

Get List of Active Sessions


To get a list of active sessions, call Web3Modal.instance.getSessions() which will return [Session].

Get Pairings


Get list of all pairings by calling Web3Modal.instance.getPairings() which will return [Pairing].



Delete all stored data such as: pairings, sessions, keys